VSP, l'ERP métier des sociétés de portage salarial

Choose vsp, the SaaS ERP developed for umbrella companies

Discover VSPortage (vsp), the ERP software developed for smooth, simplified management of umbrella companies.

Gestion des comptes pro pour le portage salarial

Improve the Employee Experience of your contractors

With vsp, our ERP dedicated to umbrella companies, digitalize your processes to save time and offer a frictionless experience to your contractors.

Simplify administrative management for your contractors

Make your contractors’ work easier with vsp: they can easily follow their missions and related contracts, consult their “professional account”, enter their professional expenses and their Activity Reports, etc.

Strengthen the bond with your contractors

Thanks to the Company Portal included with vsp, you maintain a permanent link with your contractors. Despite the distance, you strengthen their attachment and loyalty to your umbrella company.

Facilitate access to key information

Through a personalized dashboard, your contractors can consult their turnover, their gross salary, management costs and the state of their financial reserve at any time.

Préparation des factures de portage salarial

Manage your finances effectively

With vsp, healthily manage your payroll activity by controlling your cash flows and your financial performance indicators.

Automate your invoicing

Switch to automatic invoicing to increase efficiency, limit the risk of error and systematize collection reminders.

Control your company's financial health

Thanks to the reporting tools integrated into vsp, you can monitor your financial indicators in real time and anticipate the corrective measures to be taken.

Streamline your purchases

Simplify the management of your suppliers and subcontractors. Speed ​​up the creation of your purchase orders, the entry of purchase invoices and the tracking of their payment.

Suivi de mission VSPortage

Simplify the administrative management of your umbrella activity

With vsp, you automate and optimize each process of your umbrella company.

Streamline the monitoring of your contractors' missions

Thanks to the digitalization of your activity, you manage more effectively the administrative monitoring of your candidates and contractors, as well as mission offers.

Speed ​​up processes with electronic signature

Thanks to the electronic signing of documents included in vsp, you streamline the process of signing contracts with your clients and their customers.

Find your candidates more easily

Build a qualified base of candidates intending to join your umbrella company. Access the status of the recruitment process for each new candidate in one click.

More than 50,000 users use veryswing software every day

Today, 80 to 90% of our business is managed with VSP ERP. We’ve saved a lot of time on administrative tasks. What’s more, it’s very easy to keep track of activity, as we can manage everything from a single location.

Managing Director of Benett Portage

ISO 27001

We guarantee our customers and partners a high level of security and maximum confidence.


Offered in SaaS mode, our management software constantly evolves to adapt to your business needs and to technological or regulatory innovations.


Because your company is like no other, our consultants are at your side to build your project.

Data hosting in

Your data is partitioned, backed up, redundant, secure and hosted in France.

See our FAQ

How does VSP support me internationally?

vsp is a business ERP that enables you to manage your foreign subsidiaries: multi-company, multi-tax and multi-currency. The interface offers full navigation in English or French. Documents (quotes, contracts, timesheets, invoices, etc.) can be edited in the language of your choice.

Who owns my SaaS data?

The data you integrate and manipulate through our SaaS applications, and which is therefore located on our servers, is the property of your company.

What is SaaS?

SaaS stands for Software As A Service. This software consumption mode allows you to work from any device connected to the Internet via a Web browser. We manage your servers, databases, application (code, maintenance, etc.), security and support.

Where can I find VSP rates?

To find out more about vsp‘s prices, click here: https://veryswing.com/en/pricing

How can I subscribe to VSP for my company?

If you have requested a trial or demo, you are normally already in contact with our sales team. If not, you can contact them using the contact form.

How can I contact our Support team?

You must be logged in to the software or mobile application to make your request to our Support team. A ticket number will be assigned for fast, efficient follow-up.

What are the advantages of SaaS?

SaaS offers advantages for companies of all sizes: financial savings, scalability, accessibility, updates and maintenance.

Is my data secure?

It’s our job to host the data used in our applications. That’s why we invest heavily in security, backup management and maintenance – far more than any normal company would.
To underpin our commitment in this area, we have been ISO27001 certified since 2022.

Where are my data hosted?

Your data is 100% hosted in France, and redundant in different datacenters. Since 2012, we’ve been working with Scaleway, a major player in the hosting market.

What is a business ERP?

A business ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or business software is an integrated management software package that meets the specific needs of a company in a target sector of activity; whereas a general ERP requires a lot of parameterization and specific developments to meet a business need. Business ERP is the specialized version of a general-purpose ERP.

What are the benefits of ERP?

Companies without an ERP system often use different software packages that either don’t communicate with each other, or do so poorly, and have to be maintained individually.
An ERP system enables you to centralize information, instantly interconnect the company’s various functions, better control costs and improve data security.

How does a VSP project work?

Once you have chosen vsp, a consultant is appointed as your account manager. He or she will contact you to schedule a kick-off meeting for your project. This will enable us to schedule the milestones you have chosen (data transfer, training, configuration, etc.) right up to your start-up.
A vsp project always goes very well 🙂

Does VSP have to be certified in accordance with article 286-I-3° bis of the CGI? (NF525 / VAT “anti-fraud” law)

vsp is not concerned by this certification. vsp is dedicated to B2B activities: an invoice is therefore issued to the customer (company) before being able to record whether or not it has been paid.
Article 286-l-3 bis of the General Tax Code expressly states that this obligation only applies to sales to private individuals (not subject to VAT).

Am I autonomous in managing my users in VSP?

Yes, you can add users and assign them the right application rights.
vsp is a very complete and powerful software package, but we’ve organized the application to give our customers maximum autonomy in terms of configuration and administration. Of course, our Support and Consulting teams are always on hand to help you.

Will VSP handle e-billing as expected in 2026?

vsp already manages a very large part of what will be required by the reform to introduce generalized electronic invoicing.

Choose , the ERP designed for umbrella companies

Want to test the power of vsp? Free trial or demo, choose what suits you best.

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