
L'ESN Actinvision
90 people

A Digital Services Company created in 2013, Activision employs 22 people.

The company has been using VSActivity since its inception.

Context and need

The founders of Actinvision are well aware of the importance of having an ERP system in place right from the start of a business. On the strength of their previous experience, they sought an ERP solution to boost productivity and streamline their internal processes.

Alexandre TRICOT, Co-Founder and Technical Director at Actinvision, explains: “Using spreadsheets to launch a business is a bad idea. Very quickly, the company is confronted with the limitations of spreadsheets: time wasting, complicated document sharing, difficult maintenance of document versions. What’s more, spreadsheets don’t meet all a company’s management needs. ”

The solution

Actinvision was looking for an ERP solution to track the activity of its consultants, carry out invoicing, manage recruitment and steer sales activity.

Alexandre TRICOT explains: “We chose VSActivity for a number of reasons: the tool’s founders come from the Service sector, and are perfectly familiar with our problems and ways of working. This explains why the functions offered by the tool are adapted to our needs. What’s more, VSActivity is very simple and intuitive to use: our sales staff use it very easily, and each new employee is autonomous on the tool after a very short 30-minute training session. ”

Alexandre TRICOT adds: “We particularly appreciate working with the Veryswing teams. The support team is very reactive and responds within 24 hours. As for the product team, they are very attentive to our needs. We’ve been able to tell them what we’d like to see improved, and this has been taken into account in the development of the functionalities. ”

The software meets the needs of each employee, who uses the functionalities required for his or her activity: activity report entry, absence entry, schedule management, business creation, recruitment follow-up, invoicing.

The benefits

Alexandre TRICOT concludes: “In addition to the productivity gains linked to process automation, the VSActivity ERP enables us to manage our business on a daily basis, thanks to the reliable data retrieved from the tool. “

ressources disponibles logiciel commercial

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VSActivity (vsa) is the all-in-one SaaS ERP expert for ESNs and consulting firms. With our comprehensive, ISO 27001-secured management software, everyone in your company can focus on their core business.

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