Time and activity management: How can time and activity management software help companies meet their strategic challenges?

A company’s payroll can account for up to 80% of its expenses. Good management of human resources and costs is therefore essential to the long-term future of the company.

Tools such as time and activity management (TAM) software are available on the market to help HR, managers and employees manage their time and activities.

But what is ATM software, and how can it help companies meet their strategic challenges?

We explain it all!

What is time and activity management software?

Time and activity management software: definition

There are many different names for time and activity management software: TAM software, TimeSheet software, HR TAM software and so on. Their use remains the same.

Time and activity management (TAM) software is a tool which, as its name suggests, supports the company in managing the time and activities of its employees.

The GTA software enables companies to comply with legal obligations concerning working hours by entering information such as :

  • Past times.
  • Extra hours worked.
  • Absences including vacations.
  • etc.

And, in particular, to optimize company management through greater visibility of resources and costs.

What are the challenges of implementing ATM software?

Operating methods differ from one company to another, but what they all have in common is that they have to comply with the legal working hours laid down by labor law.

Within a single company, several stakeholders are involved in the management of working hours and activities. We can distinguish between Human Resources, managers and employees. Each party plays a different role in management.

The various stakeholders in time and activity management

Human resources

The Human Resources Department monitors working hours and allocates rights to employees (rest periods, luncheon vouchers, etc.). Having an overview of time and activities is central to payroll management.

The manager

He or she has to manage the team by allocating them to the various projects according to their skills, availability, etc.

He must also be able to monitor his team’s working hours and anticipate absences.

The employee

They need to be able to enter time worked, make vacation requests, report specific absences (sickness, etc.) and also have an overview of their personal counters (CP, RTT, CET, Récupération, etc.), independently.

The challenges of implementing TimeSheet software

The challenges of implementing TimeSheet software

Regulatory issues

Under penalty of law, companies must comply with the legal framework relating to employment law, such as :

  • Respect for working hours.
  • Maintain the barrier between private and professional life, especially with telecommuting becoming increasingly popular.
  • Preventing complex situations such as burnout, etc.

Economic issues

As mentioned in the introduction, payroll accounts for a large proportion of a company’s budget, so it must maximize its human capital through actions such as :

  • Optimize the company’s human resources.
  • Monitor projects and their profitability.
  • Improve the company’s human resources planning.

Social issues

To project a modern, innovative image of the company to its employees, the company needs to provide them with modern technological tools, available especially on the move.

These should help to simplify processes and give employees greater autonomy and responsibility.

Operational issues

Administrative management can quickly become a financial drain because of the time it takes.

Automating HR processes is essential if a company is to make the most of its management costs.

What’s more, employees are becoming more and more mobile, so offering a solution that can be used on the move is becoming a strategic challenge for employee loyalty.

Why use GTA software?

Why use GTA software?

Implementing time and activity management software has many advantages for your company:

Facilitating human resources management

Administrative management is automated and simpler, thanks to data integrated by managers and employees (leave, absences, etc.) within the company’s information system.

In this way, GTA software improves exchanges between the company’s various departments and the HR department. It also provides a global view of resources (human and financial).

The data integrated into the solution will enable the HR function to optimize the company’s productivity.

Save time on repetitive tasks

Now, with just a few clicks, information can be integrated into the solution by all stakeholders. Calculations are made automatically for payroll and other purposes.

Harmonized processes

No need to enter data from different Excel spreadsheets. Thanks to the GTA software, all entries are made through the tool, centralizing and standardizing the process.

Create optimized schedules

Thanks to the global vision provided by time management software, managers have an overall view of the resources at their disposal to manage their schedules. In this way, they can better manage their teams on different projects.

Respecting the legal framework

The management solution also helps companies to comply with labor law, thanks to the rules it integrates.

Reliable information

The information integrated into the management software is more reliable because it is updated instantly, as soon as one of the stakeholders performs an action.

Reporting production

By integrating data from all activities, the solution provides you with reporting that enables you to make strategic decisions.

What are the functionalities of time and activity management software?

A time and activity management software package includes a number of functions, depending on the specificity of the solution, the size of the company, and so on.

ERP software such as VSA (VSActivity) offers a time and activity management module that allows you to :

  • Enter your time in two ways: activity report (CRA) or time sheet.
  • Enter activity in days, hours and/or other work units.
  • Pre-fill from planned times and/or from the previous month.
  • Declare on-call duty, non-working hours, etc.
  • Link automatically to business and billing in the case of time-based invoicing.
  • Complete Happiness Indicators.
  • Submit your activity for validation (workflow).
  • etc.

Discover VSA features

To conclude on the strategic challenges of corporate time and activity management

Whether you’re an SME, a small business, a large corporation or a start-up, good payroll management is crucial to your company’s survival.

Time and activity management (TAM) software, or Timesheet software, supports HR departments and managers in steering company resources, monitoring projects and planning.

It enables us to meet the company’s regulatory, economic, social and operational challenges. It brings a host of benefits, such as ease of HR management, mobility, process harmonization and planning, and allows you to focus on people.

A time and activity management solution must offer a set of functionalities that enable you to optimize resource management within your company. It must be easy to use, so that all managers can make use of it.

It also enables better organization within Human Resources, better visibility of available resources and more enriched exchanges with the HR team.

What’s more, in the overall management of administrative tasks, a time and activity management solution saves time on data entry and also reduces errors.

What’s more, it allows HR to focus on their core business: people.

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