How can you retain ESN consultants and limit turnover?

Let’s be clear: turnover is a perfectly normal phenomenon in the life of an ESN (Entreprises de Services du Numérique), formerly known as SSII (Société de Services en Ingénierie Informatique), as it contributes to the renewal of new talents and skills.

Nevertheless, when staff turnover continues to rise, this is a sign of dysfunction within the ESN: working conditions, atmosphere, management, etc.

And with good reason: the rate of staff turnover in ESN is one of the highest in the service sector, at 18%, according to Syntec numérique.

By recognizing the negative impact of increasing turnover, companies in the IT and new technologies sector can implement a talent retention strategy.

But it’s important to know what makes employees thrive.

On this subject, an Opinion Way study highlights the elements that contribute to happiness at work in the Service sector.

It includes :

  • The work atmosphere / colleagues.
  • Financial recognition / remuneration.
  • Work-life balance.
  • And the pleasant working environment.

What’s more, in an ESN, your employees are often away from their customers and rarely have the opportunity to meet their colleagues, to become attached to the company’s culture, and career prospects are often difficult to perceive.

Result: in ESN, resignation is the main reason for offboarding consultants.

Still according to the study, in the Service sector, digital tools tend to :

  • To be indispensable.
  • Making everyday life easier.
  • Improve productivity.
  • Be reassuring.
  • And in particular to strengthen social ties.

9 ways to retain your ESN consultants

To limit staff turnover, i.e. resignations and redundancies, you need to analyze the malfunctions that lead to high turnover within your ESN. This could be the social climate, the recruitment process, management, etc.

Then you can implement a loyalty strategy for your employees, involving both management and the Human Resources team. After all, people management is their business.

Here are a few ways to reduce turnover in your digital company:

  1. Produce a medium- and long-term training plan.
  2. Offer competitive salaries.
  3. Evangelize corporate culture to consultants.
  4. More personalized management.
  5. Open up capital to employees.
  6. Redistribute profits.
  7. Proposing a funded pension scheme.
  8. Creating a pleasant working environment.
  9. Set up tools to make everyday life easier.
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